Tuesday, October 19

ART IN VIDEO | ABOVE in Paris "A picture is worth a thousand words..."

"A picture is worth 1,000 words." I sat for a while considering if I should describe this piece and the multi-layered meanings depicted in the painting?! The stencil and symbolism in the painting take on some heavy current topics of social, political, and racial issues just to name a few. I decided it's best for you the viewer to interpret and look at this piece and make your decision on what you feel from it. Art has the amazing ability to be interpreted on a range of 1,000+ different meanings depending on who you ask. Some of you might find this piece offensive, constructive, ironic, or just plain stupid. I want to highly encourage all of you watching this to speak up and comment about your interpretation of this stencil and issues portrayed." -ABOVE


This Means Mar! said...

I see that the head dress is Sikh not Muslim. Now france did pass a law banning women from wearing the Hijab, how do these relate?

The Eiffel tower is a symbolic piece, marking the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution. This revolution was sparked, in part, by the French people DEMANDING FREEDOM OF RELIGION! How symbolic the little Towers become...

The fact that this Sikh man is selling a symbol of French Revolution, while wearing his westernized clothing, and stating "He Loves Paris" are all internal contradictions. He is selling a symbol of the French's need for freedom of religion, in a time when they just revoked some of those very freedoms. Irony in stencil form.

Anonymous said...

Well said sir.

I just thought he had a funny looking smile.

Anonymous said...

Yo! Oui oui oui. C'est magnifique! Great that you support ABOVE!