Wednesday, July 8

Glassy Eyed Glazey Gaze... Daria Works That Summer Haze

I saw this spread and immediately had to search it and rock it on the blog. The mixture of culture and fashion are flawless. While most magazines typically place our all adored supermodels in multi-cultural, rural backdrops wearing head to toe black and highly contrasted wardrobe to offset the some what un-glamourous settings of an African village or the "anti-vogue" suburban atmosphere. Chanel suits, and Yves Tributes are thrown about the editorials, as if we are supposed to believe one is going to thrash an elephant ride in 6" YSL's... Gisele could do it... I won't lie. But, point being, this spread is dope because Daria is rocking couture (yes), but down played, local-vibe gear... and I'm all about that. Soar thumbs have never been my thing, nor have heels in the sand... Boots, now, that's a whole 'nother story.... What I think makes this editorial work is Demarchelier's photography and Daria's modeling. Unlike Mario Testino, who often shoots exotic locales in painfully bright chaos, Demarchelier's work in this feature is more toned down, much more sombre than Testino's but still maintains a dreamlike quality. It shies away from the extravagant, and the overplayed. It's hard to make this concept new , but Daria pulls this off with an ease and allure. Daria's a thrasher... you know it, I know it... I've said it before. Bitch ROCKS it. Wanna see more, read more...

Patrick Demarchelier, Vogue UK May 2009


Anonymous said...


FashionFACE said...

How are people not obsessed with this???