Tuesday, October 14

Danny Rozen: The Wooden Mirror

Conceptual Artist Danny Rozen has showcased his newest work, The Wooden Mirror. The concept is simple, a tiny camera positioned on the work gathers light and shapes and transmits them to a computer which interprets the data. The computer then moves the hundreds of wooden tiles using hidden motors, they are positioned to reflect an overhead light and can make a variety of organic shades. Subtle gradations of shade are achieved by both the natural grain of the wood and the angle at which they are displayed, casting shadow if necessary. The resulting image is less mirror-like and more like a warm reflection of the soul.

"Lying at the heart of this project is again a simple but deeply moving concept: the idea of everything around us acting as a mirror, or perhaps more precisely - making everything around us into a mirror onto the world."

Watch this video and see the mirror in action:

For the entire story check out: everypictures.com

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